In partnership with:

Owning Life Tenancies

A Life Tenancy is a unique investment which comes with some expectations & obligations, both legal and otherwise.


A Life Tenancy is a unique investment which comes with some expectations & obligations, both legal and otherwise.
Homewise is passionate about ensuring that all Life Tenants see their chosen property as their home and respect it as if they owned it themselves.
From time to time, Life Tenants do contact Homewise (or their Provider) to seek clarification on any questions or concerns they may have, and the expectation on you is that you continue to support their life tenancy by providing a fair, friendly and transparent service in line with the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

Rights of Life Tenants

Life Tenants have the right to:

Obligations of Life Tenants

Life Tenants are obligated to:

Rights of the Investor

The Investor (Provider) has the right to:

Obligations of the Investor

The Investor (Provider) is obligated to:

Property & Lease Management

A Life Tenancy requires minimal management time, however there may be occasions when the investment will require additional time and resource to ensure the Provider and Life Tenants’ legal rights and obligations are adhered to.
Should you wish for Homewise to manage your investment on your behalf, the company can take care of the day-to-day requirements of your investment with the aim of minimising your involvement and maximising your return.
The activities to be undertaken by the property management team include:

Realising Your Investment

When the last Life Tenant passes away, moves into permanent long-term care, or voluntarily ends their Plan, you will need to instruct your solicitor at your cost to terminate the Lifetime Lease and obtain vacant possession.
Depending on the circumstances of your investment, you may also need to ensure that notice is served on any additional occupants living in the property under a waiver.
Your solicitor will require either a death certificate, deed of surrender, or signed confirmation from a medical professional confirming that each Life Tenant is incapable of returning to the property. This will satisfy the terms of the HFLP and will enable your solicitor to legally end the HFLP.
Once the restriction has been lifted on the property you will be able to realise the maximum value on your investment. You can either choose to let the property or sell the property on the open market at full vacant possession value.
Whilst the maximum return will be achieved at the end of the HFLP, Life Tenancies can be traded between investors before the asset reverts. Life Tenancies increase in value each year as a result of house price inflation and the natural aging of the Life Tenants during the investment term.

We work with many investors who acquire Life Tenancies, and we will be able to assist you to find a suitable buyer in the future should you wish to sell your investment.